Our concept to present global bird biodiversity offers the visitor a unique chance for an individualistic approach to different
biological problems or simply a walk among thousands of birds, enjoying a world of glossy colours and bizarre shapes.
The scientific Bird Collection
The scientific collection, visited by many scientists from all over the world and engaged in international research projects
holds >130.000 Objects. To facilitate scientific research covering different topics of museum ornithology the collection is
subdivided in the following units:
Skin Collection
To allow for accurate scientific measurements as well as from simply technical reasons birds are usually no longer "mounted".
Whereas mounted specimens are still of invaluable importance for display, scientific material (so called "study skins", resembling
in general appearance a dead bird) is stored permanently in drawers to save room.
Correctly labelled skins contain a still indispensable amount of scientific information not to be got by photographs, sound
records, films or tissue samples. Study skins are the basis for drawings in field guides as well as for adequate scientific
identification, the so called "types" representing standards for all aspects of taxonomic work (i.e. basically applying a
correct name to a given specimen). Scientific biological research as well as applied aspects like the use of biological resources
and even nature conservation projects are impossible or create permanent errors when based on misidentified objects.
The collection presently holds >95.000 study skins from all over the world. The Palaearctic, parts of Africa, Middle East,
South East Asia, New Zealand and Brazil are covered best but most of the hitherto known extant bird species worldwide are
represented by smaller series or single specimens. The collection increases by about 500 new specimens every year.
Due to more than 1.000 type specimens, many extinct species, historic records and fairly good label data the collection is
of considerable international importance.
Bird Mounts
More than 10.000 mounted birds, many of them extremely valuable historic records (e.g. extinct, types), form part of the systematic
collection. About 25% are permanently on display in the public galleries, offering a unique opportunity for the interested
visitor to explore biodiversity in birds.
Bird Skeletons
More than 11.000 bird skeletons, identified and sexed originally, form a very valuable part of the scientific collection.
Complete label information for all complete and body skeletons is also available from the data base of the bird collection.
Egg Collection
About 10.000 clutches of eggs are documented, a fairly poor number in international comparison but nevertheless highly valuable
for specific projects.
Tissue Collection
Of all newly arrived bird material tissues are collected and stored. Currently this collection holds >2500 samples.
Smaller collections are devoted to bird's nests, feathers and other items of a more specialised interest.