Staff in alphabetical Order

Ackerl Florian / Project researcher
Adamovic Alexandra / administrative assistant Petronell
Agnezy Stefan / employee science communication
Akkari Nesrine / Curator of the collection Myriapoda / staff scientist
Aldrian Lisa / project researcher FWF-project „Religiopolitics – the Imperium Christianum and its Commoners“
Almstädter Gergana / restorer
Altenburger Oliver / preparator
Altenburger Markus / Head of visitor service
Altenburger Dominik / electrician
Araujo Schmidt Rafaella / project researcher „BMKÖS – Kulturerbe digital II“
Bacher Florian / project researcher
Bächle Tabita / Project researcher „BMKÖS – Kulturerbe digital II“
Bamer Katharina / Employee
Barta Anna-Chiara / Project researcher
Batic Goran / Preparator
Bauer Michael / Electrical-, exhibition-, event- and media engineering
Bauer-Thell Wilhelm / people photographer
Bäuerlein Ralf / Booking administration
Beinl Christine / human resources
Berg Hans-Martin / collection manager
Berger Andreas / staff scientist, curator Phanerogamen
Berger Anna / Collection manager
Berndl Sabina / Assistant to the CFO
Berner Margit / staff scientist, curator
Bertelli Daniele / project researcher "TETTRIs"
Bibl Alexander / collection manager
Blanckenstein Andreas / Serviceteam
Brandner Daniel / Researcher, Hallstatt Mine Research
Brojer Michaela / Assistance work in the 2nd Zoology
Bruckner Harald / scientific assistant
Brunner Emilie / employee science communication PaSiN
Burger-Koch Sabine / Human Resources
Camargo Alexssandro / curator diptera
Chai Min / Project Researcher
Chen Rui Qiang / Project researcher
Cheng Julia / Employee
Chytny Krystof / project researcher
Dang Maria / descriptive cataloging
Duda Michael / Project researcher
Efthymiadis Georgios / project researcher „FWF PAT1494723 Garra“
Eggers Sabine / staff scientist, curator of the international osteological collection
Eichert Stefan / Staff Scientist, Vice Head of Department
Emminger–Stebegg Daniela / Press officer
Endler Christina / Carpenter
Ernst Karin / project researcher
Ertl-Winand Andreas / Project researcher
Eschner Anita / curator of the collection Mollusca / staff scientist
Feichtinger Iris / preparator
Feiler Gloria / Assistant for the 3rd Zoology
Fera Martin / project researcher for the FWF project „Osor jenseits des Mythos I 6039-G“
Fernandez Coll Meritxell / employee science communication
Fial Nathalie / Project researcher
Fiedler Sarah Magdalena / head of the libraries department
Fischer Iris / Laboratory manager
Fischer Philip / Project coordinator Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Fischer Christian / Head of building services & security
Frade Pedro / curator of the collection Evertebrata Varia
Friedrich Rok / Project researcher
Führer Daniela / Secretary in the 2nd Zoology
Funk Barbara / project researcher
Fürst Anton / preparator
Fürst Isabella / junior designer
Gaal-Haszler Sabine / staff scientist, curator Lepidoptera
Gallmetzer Ivo / staff scientist
Ganglberger Lara / employee science communication PaSiN
Gassner Georg / collection manager
Gerlach Lilli / taxidermist
Göhlich Ursula B. / staff scientist and senior curator of the fossil vertebrate collection
Goldmann Christoph / Staff science communication
Gottwald Isolde / project researcner Skills4EOSC
Graf Lukas / Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Grillitsch Martin / librarian
Grimm Franz / preparator
Gritsch Joana / Assistance design team / exhibition management
Grömer Karina / Head of the department; staff scientist
Guttenberger Sarah / Project researcher Biodiversitätsfonds (Blatthornkäfer Österreichs)
Hadzibegovic Hana / project researcher Biodiversitätsfonds (Blatthornkäfer Österr
Hammer Vera M. F. / Researcher, head of the mineral collection, head of the State Gem Institute
Hamp Walter / Deputy head of department; exhibit & media technician
Hantschk Andreas / head of environmental education indoor
Haring Elisabeth / Head of department
Haring Melina / taxidermist
Harzhauser Mathias / Head of Department and curator of the paleobotanical collection
Hedberg Verena / Event management
Heinzl Janine / Project researcher
Hengl Marietta / project researcher
Hengst Babette / employee science communication
Herzner Claudia / CRM Software Manager
Herzog-Gutsch Sonja / librarian
Hettegger Anna / project researcher "FWF P36065-N Karstwasser"
Hille Astrid / Assistance Botany
Hirsch Barbara / freelancer science communication
Hochreiter Rosemarie / Graphic design
Hofbauer Eduard / technician
Hofmann Gerhard / taxidermist
Holzer Veronika / Staff Scientist
Holzner Anna-Lena / employee science communication
Hörweg Christoph / Head of the 3. Zoological Department / curator of the collection Arachnoidea / staff scientist
Huber Katharina / Project Employee "Catalogus Phaneorgamarum"
Huller Irina / Conservator-Restorer
Illek Robert / head taxidermist
Ioni Susanna / Project Employee for „FAIRiCUBE“
Jakits Norbert / Human Resources
Jell Valentin / Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Jovanovic-Kruspel Stefanie / staff scientist art and museum history and curator
Kaminsky Eva / project researcher Karstwasser
Kamschal Denise / technical assistant
Kapun Martin / Staff scientist - Bioinformatics
Karas Leah / deputy head of the libraries department
Kargl Victoria / ABOL-coordination team
Karner Felicitas / employee science communication
Karst Eva / technical assistance
Kautzky Angelika / preparator
Kern Vinzenz / employee
Kerschbaumer-Stöckler Judit / collection assistance department of Entomology
Kertész-Schenk Nikolett / Press officer
Kiesel Megumi / Research Coordination; Herbarium Assistance
Kirchner Sandra / Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Klampfer Alexander / staff scientist
Klostermann Paul / PhD student
Knezevic Tina / Apprentice Carpenter
Kohn Victoria / Curator of the Gem Collection and Co-Curator of the Mineral Collection
Kolitsch Uwe / Head of the Department for Mineralogy & Petrography, Researcher and curator of the mineral and ore deposit collections
Koller Marion / Head of marketing & sales, sponsorship
Kollmann Julia / Registrar and general assistance at the exhibition management
Koppitsch Mara Christine / employee science communication
Kornilev Yurii / project researcher "BMK Amphibien und Reptilien Österreichs"
Korth Frederike / Project Employee "OSCA"
Koschicek-Krombholz Bernhard / project researcher FWF-project „Religiopolitics – the Imperium Christianum and its Commoners“
Koukal Veronika / preparator
Krapf Andrea / deputy manager of the NHMuseum Press
Krauss Florentin / science communication PaSiN
Krb Gabriele / administrative assistant Petronell
Kreindl Katharina / employee science communication PaSiN
Krenn Martin / Head of department - Archive for the history of Science
Kroh Andreas / Vice CEO Science; staff scientist; head of the NHM Vienna publishing house
Kruckenhauser Luise / Head of the DNA Laboratory / Curator of the DNA- and tissue collection / Staff scientist
Kubadinow Irina / Head of Press & Public Relations
Laciny Alice / staff scientist
Landsiedl Julia / Head of scenography and graphics
Langnitschke Tim / scientific assistant
Laumann Markus / Head of Exhibition Management
Lechner Amelie / apprentice assistant to the CFO
Leeb Christoph / project researcher „C321083 Biodiversitätsfonds“
Lenger Alexandra / Secretary
Lhotak Elke / Deputy CFO; proxy; head of human resources and legal affairs
Lick Laura / staff scientist
Loos Dimitri / Building projects
Löwenstein Augustina / Project researcher
Luftensteiner Katharina / project researcher "HistoGenes"
Lukeneder Alexander / vice-head of the department, staff scientist and senior curator of the mesozoic invertebrates
Macek Oliver / Collection manager
Madl Julia / Project researcher
Magusin Michal / HKLS-technician
Mair Agnes / head of education team & registration
Mandic Oleg / staff scientist and senior curator of the cenozoic invertebrates
Mason Katharina / staff scientist
Matzi Manuela / employee science communication
Mayer Thomas / Provenance research
Mayr Nina / Assistance mineralogy
Mays Chris / Staff Scientist and Senior Curator of the Palaeobotany Collection
Méhu-Blantar Ines / Innovation hub and stakeholder engagement
Micai Giulia / Project Employee „TETTRIs“
Mikschi Ernst / head of department
Momen Hischam / Exhibit & media technician
Muhsil-Schamall Josef / print & media technology
Müller Bettina / library exchange
Müller Monika / employee science communication
Nagl Michael / staff scientist
Nazemi Karen / science communication PaSiN
Nichterl Thomas / collection manager
Obenaus Martin / project researcher FWF-project „Religiopolitics – the Imperium Christianum and ist Commoners“
Oberender Pauline / staff scientist
Oberndorfer Daniel / Conservator-Restorer
Österreicher Carina / Human Resources
Österreicher Jessica / employee science communication
Ott Iris / Head of science communication
Palacz Julian / Deputy project coordinator Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Palandačić Anja / Collection Manager, Staff Scientist
Pany-Kucera Doris / staff scientist, co-curator and scientist in the ERC Synergy Grant HistoGenes (OEAW)
Patzak Anatole / collection management PaSiN
Patzer Andrea / Curator of the meteorite collection
Pfefferkorn Ruth / Scientific assistant
Pilat Melanie / environmental education, science communication, scientific assistant
Pirgie Gregor / Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Pittarello Lidia / Researcher and curator of the rock collection
Plan Lukas / staff scientist
Plassak Barbara / shop management
Plate Maria Katharina / Paper conservator
Pogats-Saboy Karina / Assistent
Pohanka Max / Sponsoring- & Fundraising-Manager
Polansky Michael / Employee
Pollmann Christian / technician
Posch Caroline / Staff Scientist
Posch Celestine / Project researcher "bITEM"
Potter Chloe-Anna / Object photographer
Prantner Elisa / employee science communication
Pristacz Helmut / Exhibit & media technician
Querner Pascal / Project researcher
Rainer Markus / Project researcher Biodiversitätsfonds (Scarab beetles Austria)
Rainer Heimo / Head of Department of Botany
Randolf Susanne / staff scientist, curator NOaS and Insecta Varia
Rattner Gerlinde / administrative assistant of the CFO
Reichmann Wolfgang / photographer
Reier Susanne / Project Researcher
Reithofer Matthias / technician
Rendl Julia / Assistant Marketing & Sales
Renner Swen / curator, senior scientist
Reuss Magdalena / Webmaster, currently on maternity leave
Richards Nina / project researcher
Riedel Bettina / staff scientist & curator collection NHM-4ART
Riedl Mario-Dominik / historical image and photo collections and digitalisation of the Department's collections
Ritschard Elena / project researcher
Roboch Markus / Chief Financial Officer
Roson Claudia / Head of branch office Petronell, environmental education outdoor
Rubik Sabine / Booking administration
Rubin Iris / model and diorama builder
Rudorfer Johann / Staff Scientist
Runda Wolfgang / Event management
Russ David / Project researcher "RELIC"
Saboy Richard / Serviceteam
Saliari Konstantina / curator, staff scientist
Sansone Katharina / Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Savvidis-Eichinger Doris / employee science communication
Sawa Martina / science communication PaSiN
Schacherl-Huspeka Ute / employee science communication
Schalko Clemens / Collection assistant
Schamall Jana / Employee
Schattke Constanze / PhD Student
Schedl Benjamin / project researcher Harrison Collection
Schiller Edmund / collection assistant in the collections Arachnoidea & Crustacea
Schiller Katharina / research assistant
Schillhammer Harald / staff scientist, curator Coleoptera
Schimpf Bernhard / Staff law department
Schmid Brigitta / Deputy head of science communication
Schnedl Sara Maria / collection assistant in the collection Mollusca, currently on maternity leave
Schuh Rudolf / employee
Schuster Tanja / staff scientist, Curator of Cryptogams, Deputy Head of The Department of Botany
Schweiger Silke / curator, staff scientist
Schwentner Martin / curator of the collection Crustacea / staff scientist
Schwob Florian / Serviceteam
Seiberl Emily / Project researcher Biodiversitätsfonds (Blatthornkäfer Österreichs)
Seidel Matthias / staff scientist, curator Coleoptera
Seidl Benedict / project researcher „BMKÖS – Kulturerbe digital II“
Shandikov Gennadiy / project researcher
Shaverdo Helena V. / Collection Manager Coleoptera
Sokolova Polina / project researcher „BMKÖS – Kulturerbe digital II“
Sonnleitner Michaela / ABOL-coordination team
Sonnleitner Ria / project researcher "Gefährliche Fauna " (ÖBH)"
Spasojevic Tamara / Curator Hymenoptera
Spreer Jasmin / Webmaster
Stadler Alexander / Serviceteam
Stadlmayr Andrea / collection management, outreach coordinator, staff scientist (Co-PI) LDDL
Stefke Katharina / staff scientist
Steindl Sonja / Project Employee for „FAIRiCUBE“
Steiner Julia / librarian
Steinkellner Judith / administration PaSiN
Stevenne Chloe / Project researcher
Stöckle Gabriel / Staff science communication
Sungur Muhammed / HKLS-technician
Szeiler Stefan / collection manager
Szucsich Nikolaus / ABOL-coordinator
Taumberger Christoph / assistant to shop management
Thinschmidt Alice / employee science communication
Tiefengraber Georg / Staff scientist, curator of the Bronze and Iron Age collection
Till Angelika / employee science communication
Trainacher Filip / Project Employee "Catalogus phaneorgamarum"
Unterhofer Sebastian / Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Viehauser Christof / scientific assistant
Viehberger Ingrid / Event management
Vizek Manuela / collection assistance Hymenoptera
Vobrová Eliška / Employee
Voglsinger Bettina / administrative assistant/library
Vohland Katrin / Director General/ CEO
Völker Bernd-Christoph / employee science communication
Vonasek Robert / administrative assistant Petronell
Vrazek Edeltraud / book binder
Walch August / preparator
Wallner Nathalie / Administrative management, taxidermist
Walter Johannes / staff scientist, Collections Manager
Walter-Roszjár Julia / Researcher and co-curator of the meteorite collection, currently on maternity leave
Wanka Alexandra Julia / Laboratory manager
Wanzenböck Sylvia / Project researcher
Wegner Wencke / Operator for microanalysis
Weinmann Anna E. / staff scientist and senior curator of the micropaleontological collection
Weinzinger Bernhard / preparator
Weiß Elisabeth / Project researcher Relaunch "Kulturpool"
Wiltschke-Schrotta Karin / Head of department
Winkler Viola / Operator microCT and 3D lab
Winter Eduard / custodian PaSiN
Witthoff Ronja / Taxidermist
Woditsch Nikolaus / Painter
Wolf Paul / Project researcher
Wölfel Katharina / Research Coordination
Wöss Günther / scientific assistant
Wurz Andrea / preparator
Zachos Frank Emmanuel / curator, staff scientist
Zaremba Andrea / archivist, deputy head of department
Zettel Herbert / head of department, curator Hemiptera
Zimmermann Dominique / staff scientist, curator Hymenoptera
Zwischenberger Anton / Online- & Social Media-Communication, Web editing