Head of the OeTyp-Project:Dr. Andreas Kroh (Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Geology & Palaeontology)
Head of the Commission for the Palaeontological and Stratigraphical Research of Austria:Dr. Werner E. Piller (Karl-Franzens University Graz, Institute of Earth Sciences)
Currently the database contains more than 74,000 animal and plant fossils. Regular updates are provided as further published
fossil material is included. The data is collected directly from the original specimens in the collections and cross-checked
with published records. This practice guarantees that no “ghost” records are created. The database's intention is to offer
quick access to basic information about the scientifically most important palaeontological specimens. An online interface
makes these data available to the international scientific community.
Search in the database
The database structure of the internet version comprises the following fields:
- generic name including subgenus
- species name including subspecies
- author(s) of the species name
- status of the type (see below)
- collection file number
- reference
- illustrations
- institution housing the specimens
ontact the collection curators at the according institutions for additional information and access to the specimens if necessaryn institution for additional information and access to the specimens if necessary.
Abbreviations for type status:
(use these abbreviations for the search run)
- holotype - H
- paratype - PT
- lectotype - L
- paralectotype - PL
- syntype - S
- neotype - N
- figured specimen - AO
- reference material - BM