Palaeozoic Invertebrates

The collection contains fossil material from c. 1200 localities from all continents except Antarctica. Due to the collection’s history, material from European localities forms the core of the collection, accounting for approximately 80% of the specimens. North American material forms roughly 10% of the fossils.

The collection comprises material from 43 countries, particularly those that have fossiliferous Palaeozoic deposits that had been exploited in the 19th century. Almost one third of the material derives from Palaeozoic sediments of the Prague Basin and was obtained by exchange and purchase from famous researchers such as Joachim Barrande (1799–1883). After specimens from today’s Czech Republic, material from Germany (16%), the USA (9%), Austria (8%) and Sweden (6%) are important parts of the Palaeozoic Collection. Larger complexes are also represented by fossils from Belgium, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Russia and the UK.

A large part of the collection derives from Carboniferous deposits (ca. 39%), followed by Devonian and Silurian material. Many specimens date back to the expansion of the collections when the NHM was founded in the late 19th century, when large numbers of specimens were obtained by purchase and exchange, or as donations.

Dr. Andreas Kroh