Wencke Wegner
Operatorin für Mikroanalytik
Betreuung der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde
Betretung des Rasterelektronenmikroskops
Betreuung des Mikro-CT-Gerätes
Betretung des Rasterelektronenmikroskops
Betreuung des Mikro-CT-Gerätes

Beruflicher Werdegang:
Akademische Lehre:
- 11/2011 Dr. rer. nat. (Universität Göttingen): “History and geochemical evolution of igneous rocks forming the Panama land bridge since Late Cretaceous”
- 09/2004 Dipl.-Geow. (Universität Göttingen): “Growth history of sanidine crystals in Taapaca dacites (Northern Chile)”
- 05/2002 BSc (Universität Göttingen): „Kristallgrößenverteilung in El Misti Andesiten: eine CSD Studie“
Beruflicher Werdegang:
- Seit 05/2020 Betreuung der zentralen Mikroanalytik, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
- 09/2019 – 04/2020 Projektmitarbeiterin MicroMus: Unlocking the Microcosm - Micro-CT Analyses in Museum Collections, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
- 04/2012 – 07/2019 PostDoc Universität Wien Dep. für Lithosphärenforschung (Betreuung des Reinraums und TIMS-Labors)
- 02/2010 – 11/2011 Promotionsstudium an der Universität Göttingen, Abt. Geochemie
- 07/2005 – 01/2010 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Göttingen, Abt. Geochemie (Geology and evolution of the volcanic basement of the Chagres Basin (DFG WO362/27-2))
Akademische Lehre:
- 2018-2019 Geochemische Entwicklung der Erde (Universität Wien)
- 2014-2015 Radiogene Isotope (Universität Innsbruck)
- 2013 Geochronologie (Universität Wien)
- 2003 NAT-Working Projekt der Robert-Bosch-Stiftung mit dem Humboldt-Gymnasium Berlin (Universität Göttingen)
Originalarbeiten in begutachteten Fachjournalen
PITTARELLO, L., LEVI, N., WEGNER, W. & STEHLIK, H. (2022): The pseudotachylytes at the base of the Silvretta Nappe: A newly discovered recent generation and the tectonomometamophic evolution of the Nappe. – Tectonophysics, 822: 229185. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229185.
FERRIÈRE, L., CRÓSTA, A. P., WEGNER, W., LIBOWITZKY, E., IWASHITA, F., & KOEBERL, C. (2021). Distinguishing volcanic from impact glasses—The case of the Cali glass (Colombia). Geology, 49(12), 1421-1425. doi:10.1130/G48925.1
ÚJVÁRI, G., KLÖTZLI, U., HORSCHINEGG, M., WEGNER, W., HIPPLER, D., KISS, G. I., & PALCSU, L. (2021). Rapid decomposition of geological samples by ammonium bifluoride (NH4HF2) for combined Hf-Nd-Sr isotope analyses. Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry, 35(11), e9081. doi:10.1002/rcm.9081
CUCCINIELLO, C., SHETH, H., DURAISWAMI, R. A., WEGNER, W., KOEBERL, C., DAS, T., & GHULE, V. (2020). The Southeastern Saurashtra dyke swarm, Deccan Traps: Magmatic evolution of a tholeiitic basalt–basaltic andesite–andesite–rhyolite suite. Lithos, 376-377, 105759. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105759
D'SOUZA J., SHETH H., XU Y., WEGNER W., NARAGA P., SHARMA K.K., KOEBERL C. (2020). Neoarchaean crustal reworking in the Aravalli Craton: Petrogenesis and tectonometamorphic history of the Malola granite, Bhilwara area, northwestern India. Geological Journal. 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3927
PATEL V., SHETH H., CUCCINIELLO C., JOSHI G., WEGNER W., SAMANT H., SEN B., KOEBERL C. (2020) Geochemistry of Deccan tholeiite flows and dykes of Elephanta Island: Insights into the stratigraphy and structure of the Panvel flexure zone, western Indian rifted margin. Geosciences, 10(4), 118; https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10040118
RIEDER, M., WEGNER, W., HORSCHINEGG, M., KLACKL, S., PRETO, N., BREDA, A., GIER, S., KLOETZLI, U., BERNASCONI, S. M., ARP, G. & MEISTER, P., 31 Jul 2019, Precipitation of dolomite from seawater on a Carnian coastal plain (Dolomites, northern Italy): evidence from carbonate petrography and Sr isotopes (2019). Solid earth, 10(4), 1243-1267.
SINNESAEL, M., MONTANARI, A., FRONTALINI, F., COCCIONI, R., GATTACCECA, T., SNOECK, C., WEGNER, W., KOEBERL, C., MORGAN, L., DE WINTER, N., DEPAOLO, D. J. & CLAEYS, P., (2019). Multiproxy Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary event stratigraphy: an Umbria-Marche basin-wide perspective. Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 542.
ÚJVÁRI, G., WEGNER, W., KLÖTZLI, U., HORSCHINEGG, M., & HIPPLER, D. (2018). Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Analysis of <10 mg Dust Samples: Implications for Ice Core Dust Source Fingerprinting. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(1), 60-72.
WEGNER, W., & KOEBERL, C. (2016). Strontium and neodymium isotope systematics of target rocks and impactites from the El'gygytgyn impact structure: Linking impactites and target rocks. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51(12), 2347-2365.
SCHULZ, T., LUGUET, A., WEGNER, W., VAN ACKEN, D., & KOEBERL, C. (2016). Target rocks, impact glasses, and melt rocks from the Lonar crater, India: Highly siderophile element systematics and Sr-Nd-Os isotopic signatures. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51(7), 1323-1339.
MUNDL, A., NTAFLOS, T., ACKERMAN, L., BIZIMIS, M., BJERG, E. A., WEGNER, W., & HAUZENBERGER, C. A. (2016). Geochemical and Os-Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopic Characterization of North Patagonian Mantle Xenoliths: Implications for Extensive Melt Extraction and Percolation Processes. Journal of Petrology, 57(4), 685-715.
EBERLEI, T., HABLER, G., WEGNER, W., SCHUSTER, R., KOERNER, W., THOENI, M., & ABART, R. (2015). Rb/Sr isotopic and compositional retentivity of muscovite during deformation. Lithos, 227, 161-178.
WEGNER, W., WOERNER, G., HARMON, R. S., & JICHA, B. R. (2011). Magmatic history and evolution of the Central American Land Bridge in Panama since Cretaceous times. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, 123(3-4), 703-724.
WÖRNER, G., HARMON, R. S., WEGNER, W. (2009). Geochemical Evolution of igneous rock and changing Magma Sources during the Evolution and Closure of the Central American Landbridge. In: Kay SM, Ramos VA, Dickinson WR (eds) Backbone of the Americas: Shallow Subduction, Plateau Uplift, and Ridge and Terrane Collision. Geological Society of America Memoir 204: 183-196.
Zentrale Forschungslaboratorien
Ackerl Florian
Bertelli Daniele
Projektmitarbeiterin "TETTRIs"
Chen Rui Qiang
De Mattia Willy
Duda Michael
Efthymiadis Georgios
„FWF PAT1494723 Garra“
Fial Nathalie
Fischer Iris
Haring Elisabeth
Kapun Martin
Mitarbeiter - Bioinformatik
Kargl Victoria
Kirchner Sandra
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Labormanagerin
Kruckenhauser Luise
DNA Labor / Kuratorin der DNA- und Gewebesammlung / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Löwenstein Augustina
Macek Oliver
Prost Stefan
Assoziierter Wissenschaftler
Sittenthaler Marcia
Sonnleitner Michaela
Szucsich Nikolaus
Wanka Alexandra Julia
Winkler Viola
Operatorin Mikro-CT und 3D-Labor